I used to write a blog in English and Japanese in Japanese section but I start writing a blog only in English here. My English may not be perfect but hope that you enjoy reading it.
The news of coronavirus used to be a little bit far from my real life at least one month ago, but I take it as close now. Currently many flights are canceled. Restaurants, cafes except for takeaway or delivery service are closed until the end of May. Public facilities as libraries, museums, theatres, sports centres are closed. The gathering more than 10 people are prohibited. Basically schools provide online study, most of the companies recommend to work at home. New regulations/recommendations are added according to the situation.
We can’t dine out, need courage to go to a gym and even a supermarket. It would be very stressful if we would stay at home almost whole day.
Fortunately there are quite many sunny days in March. Unfortunately the snow has been melted away (but it snows on March 31st). I took this photo just after snowing. We have several cross country ski trails in Seinäjoki. Since we had only few days for cross country ski this winter, many people enjoyed it on that day.

On the same day I didn’t go cross country ski (it would be the first and the last opportunity in this season, though). Instead of that I walked to Kyrkösjärvi lake. You may think this is a very big empty land. But it’s a frozen lake! I can’t dare to walk on the lake usually but this looked very safe. I saw some families with small children or a dog. Walking on the big lake was comfortable and I had a special feeling – now I walk on the lake!!

After the snow was gone, I went walking to a swamp area. As you see, the area is very flat. And ”lakeus” especially means this area’s plain. Many companies in this area use ”lakeus” as a part of their company’s name.

Most of the snow on the trail melted but I saw ice or snow on the swamp. I thank this kind of the great nature is left and trails are available through the year.

My destination – Birdwatching tower. A few people already took a rest there.
*I’ve read the news that Forest Administration announced they close birdwatching towers or national parks because too many people visit there. I don’t know the current situation in Seinäjoki.

I thought I might get bored if I just walked 8 km but I got a nice feeling – moving my body, seeing the ever-changing nature scenary, finding the sign of spring as hoursetails, swans and so on.
Since we are allowed to go out so far (if we don’t meet more than 10 people), I sometimes would like to go to a lake, forest or swamp area with rich nature.
Let’s stay healthy. Hyvää kevättä! (= Have a wonderful spring!)